
1 min readAug 30, 2023

By Aleena Choudhry

Wellness: A Way of Life

Health Today

Health: a state of well-being

1900’s: absence of disease or illnesses; leading causes of death were due to infectious diseases

Today: there have been medical advances to bring many diseases under control; poor health is related to the way we live

Wellness: positive, whole-health approach

Physical: your body- exercise, proper nutrition, medical care

Intellectual/Mental: continuing to gather knowledge; enables one to effectively solve problems

Emotional: awareness and acceptance of feelings; self-image

Social: relationships with others

*Achieve BALANCE between all four*

Longevity- medical advances and preventive behavior allow people to live longer, better lives

Life expectancy: the measure of the average number of years that a group of people may expect to live


  1. Personal Health Behavior- patterns of behavior that affect your health now and as you get older

Positive health behaviors:

  • 7–8 hours of sleep
  • Eating breakfast
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

2. Physical Environment- your surroundings; where you live, work, play

3. Heredity- the biological passing of traits from parents to their children

4. Health Care Services- quality of health care available determines general health

Gender: male or female




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